Journeys of the mind


I dont remember where I saved this from (if its yours please tell me) but I think it is absolutely amazing. My thoughts were instantly I WANT I WANT until I realised it would be completely impractical in my room which is full of clunky furniture. Its the kind of things which is the statement piece of a room and you wouldn't want anything standing in its way. I imagine it would give you the same feeling as lying in the grass staring at the stars for hours.


Six Six Sick said...

This is incredible! I wonder if it's a real room or just photoshopped it looks so crazy!


Fipe said...

aroha i saw a cat statue in the maroubra junct vinnies and thought of you , im sure it will still be there!!

Aroha said...

I thought it was wallpaper but I could be wrong. I think I was just hoping it was real so there would be a vague possability that I could find it and make it mine.

Fipe: wowww, was it really cute? You know ive been browsing a few on ebay lately!

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